Dan Bobst: 6 Phrases to Never Tell an Interviewer


There are a number of ways to succeed and fail in an interview, things like showing up on time and being dressed appropriately are obvious, but many young people new to the workforce may stumble into unfamiliar interview pitfalls. Dan Bobst recently spoke to Glassdoor with some dos and don’ts for the interview process.

“Tell your interviewer what you are most comfortable doing or what your background is in, or even things you haven’t done before but are interested in doing. No one wants to hire the short-term person who is just going to leave. Make sure you leave your interviewer with the impression that you are in it for the long haul”

When it comes to compensation, it can be uncomfortable with how to proceed. But bring it up too early in the interview may seem improper and presumptuous. If you don’t know exactly what the position is paying, play it safe at first.

“Give the impression that you are flexible on compensation rather than make demands.If you don’t know what pay you are qualified for, you should consider the amount of experience [you] have and what industry [you] are interested in working in and do a little research.”

Read The Whole Interview Here

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